Raquelle decides to tell a joke
"You know i remember this :a man walked into a grocery and took up a carton of orange
juice and a bag of sugar anyway he only paid for the sugar the police caught and asked
why he only paid for one item his answer was that the orange juice said sugar free
so he just took the sugar.What you read is not always what it means and i have read
the couple and they truly mean what they say ,they are really in love."(Raquelle)
"Clap ,clap and cheers(the crowd)
Raquelle is ready to introduce the new couple
"Here comes the new couple Mr and Mrs Carlo Ashton."(Raquelle)
I love you (Carlo said in a muffled voice)
I love too(Trichelle)
By the way what hotel will we be staying at."(Carlo)
"Some hotel in St Ann."(Trichelle)
"Lets head to the table ."(Trichelle)
"What would you like to eat our specialties are :Chicken Fillet,Baked Fish with Pasta, Smoked Ham
with salad ,Chop Sui ,Steamed Vegetables , Corn on the cob and rice can be served with any meat our specialty drinks are :Margarita,
Fruit Punch ,Crystal Punch and Peach Soda."(Payton)
"I will have the Baked fish ,the rice and i'll try the crystal punch."(Kara)
"But mom what will i eat."(Kianna)
"We will share."(Kara)
"I have worked so hard to fit into my dress so i will have the chicken fillet ,pasta,corn on the cob and some fruit punch."(Trichelle)
"I will have the baked fish with rice ,steamed vegetables and some peach soda."(Carlo)

"We are going to order as a table and we have decided to take the chop sui and some margaritas."(lady in blue)
"We have decided to order as a table too so we will have 4 orders of chop sui ,4 orders of baked fish and pasta with 2 orders of peach soda alongside with 2 orders of fruit punch."(Monique)
Everyone has finished there meals the only problem is that Kara ordered "Crystal Punch"
which in jamaica it is a prestigious name for water.
So lets skip to the next activity cutting of the cake.
"Babe please hold the knife properly you can hurt yourself ."(Carlo)
"It is my first wedding hopefully ,i am trying."(Trichelle)
"Grab a big piece of the cake and feed your angel like a man."(Trichelle)
"That's not the only thing i want to grab."(Carlo)
"You can hug me after the cake cutting."(Trichelle)
"Time to hug my wife it just sounds so good."(Carlo)
"It's great."(Trichelle)
Raquelle goes over to Faith's table to dish up a little trouble
Faith ,Ellen and Ken are sitting at the same table imagine how awkward it isconsidering
the fact that Faith is Ken's ex .
"DJ start the music and dim the lights ."(Trichelle)
All the single ladies ,All the single ladies put your hands up(plays softly in the background)
"There goes the bouquet ,wow."(Crowd)
"Give me the bouquet i want to be next ."(Monique)
"Not over my drop dead body ,i have to be next cause i got what it takes."(Faith)
"No you dont if you think Ken will leave Ellen for a lady of your kind."(Monique)
"Stop with your fighting and wait till the end of the evening.(Payton)
"Dont tell me what to do because you are not any better."(Faith)
"Its not what you thought ,you dont have to hold it against me."(Payton)
"I would not have it against you if you would just mind your own business."(Faith)
"This is how a real lady does it ."(Faith)
"We are finally married ."(Carlo)
"I cant believe that we met a year ago ."(Trichelle)
"This toast is for the bride,my sister and my friend i just want you to be happy
and live a better life than i lived in my 27 years of existence."(Kara)
"This toast is for the groom and my son i hope you live a happy life with your beautiful bride."(Carla)
"This toast is for the people who created the wonderful bride her mother and father
without these people this wonderful event would not have happened .I would like to
commend them for their hard work and for molding the bride."(Faith)
"I would like to propose a toast to the parents of the groom who have shaped Carlo into
a wonderful man and friend so raise for glasses in joy."(Raquelle)
"I would like to thank my bride (of course ),the bridal party,our guests,all members of staff for Bijour ,
the limo driver ,master of ceremony and the pastor who wed us."(Carlo)
"I would like to thank Carlo ,the bridal party,,our guests,all the staff of Bijour, the limo driver ,master of ceremony ,the pastor,my hairdresser,the lady who designed my dress,my shoe stylish,my make up artist and my choreographer."(Trichelle)
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